Business Benefits and Uses of an Online Learning Platform

Increasing a company's skill level boosts its value by improving work quality, enhancing employee expertise, and reducing errors and risks. Implementing an online learning platform offers new business benefits and opportunities for development compared to traditional training methods.

Cost savings for the company

Digitalizing training allows for scalable education that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Companies can centralize training in a single learning environment, making it flexibly accessible without the need for travel, venue costs, or finding a common time for everyone. This saves time and money, makes it easier to schedule trainings, and adds flexibility to daily operations.

Employee experience

Enhancing employer image

Opportunities for learning and development are the cornerstones of employee experience and employer branding. Providing training that is relevant for their roles and enhances professional skills motivates and engages employees. This is particularly important in industries with high turnover or difficulties in finding skilled workers, making engagement even more crucial.

When an employer invests in the employees' skills, employees are more committed to their roles and their productivity can increase. Offering development opportunities in a digital format is cost-effective and agile.

A motivating way to learn

Digital training materials enable flexible and interactive learning. A learning platform that allows for the creation of diverse and interactive content provides a motivating learning experience for users.

Motivation is further enhanced when learners can track their progress on the platform and see their skills develop. Recognizing and making skills visible is rewarding and guides everyday work.

Read tips on how to create a motivating online course based on your existing training materials on this blog.

Streamlining training processes

Improved accessibility of training and information

With an online learning environment, sharing information is easy, and training is available flexibly when needed. Sharing tacit knowledge becomes easier, and employees know where to find information when they need to revisit it.

Standardizing training and processes

An online learning environment helps standardize training and processes, improving the consistency and reliability of information. With online training, the training and onboarding material is always the same, regardless of who is responsible for the employee's onboarding or training.

It’s also easy to document organizational activities and processes on the platform, which helps standardize practices and aids in the transfer of knowledge during staff changes. A versatile and modern platform helps unify processes in a single, up-to-date environment without accumulating scattered Excel sheets or multiple systems across different departments or individuals.

Automating processes

A good learning platform supports the automation of training and onboarding processes. For example, a new employee can be automatically added to a predefined onboarding path. The supervisor doesn’t need to remember all the details of the onboarding process, making the task lighter and of higher quality. It also saves time as supervisors and HR have less meta-work related to onboarding and less repetition of the same things.

Supporting supervisors' work

Improving the quality of supervision

Using a learning platform is an effective way to improve the quality of supervision. When the platform includes pre-built processes, automated training, and good competency management models, the workload and requirements for supervision in daily work are reduced, freeing supervisors from having to remember or invent everything themselves. This support is especially valuable for new supervisors who have a lot to learn in their roles.

Making the sharing and implementation of responsibility easier

A good platform makes it easy to share training and onboarding responsibilities more broadly across the organization, rather than leaving the use of the platform solely to one person or a small HR team. A user-friendly learning platform allows supervisors to take responsibility for their teams and their performance, and experts in different areas to produce training materials. This way, the organization's knowledge can be more broadly utilized and it also saves time.

Monitoring and reporting competence

An online learning platform makes it easy to monitor whether required training, such as regular mandatory cybersecurity or occupational safety training, has been completed. The platform can also verify who has completed what and when. Easy-to-read reporting also supports auditability, as training can be verified through reports generated by the system.

This video shows you how supervisors can use the Vuolearning platform to track their team's development.

Organization's strategic competence management

Gaining an overall view of organizational competence

A learning platform offering extensive skill development features can provide a comprehensive view of employee competencies and training. A high-quality platform can bring together more than just online courses: classroom training, task lists, development discussions, calendar events, and acquired competencies. Such a learning platform is a unified place to handle different forms of learning, offering excellent tools for creating competence development processes.

Improving competence quality

A quality learning environment helps to ensure that the right people have the necessary skills for their roles, to identify skill gaps, and to offer tools to raise competence levels. Analytics provide statistics on employee competencies, skill gaps, and training activities.

Digital processes are easy to update, develop, and replicate, helping to maintain continuous and quality skill development in the organization.

This video shows you how to utilize the competence matrix on the Vuolearning platform as a part of the organization's competence development. And in this blog post, you can find more tips on how to set competence goals and identify skill gaps.

Increasing company value

Digital training and onboarding materials help document common practices in an easily updatable form. This supports operational reliability during staff turnover, as critical knowledge is documented and easily transferable to new employees, ensuring it can be utilized by the company. Good documentation and the transferability of critical knowledge enhance company value.

Training and onboarding materials created on the learning platform are an easy and useful way to maintain documentation of key company processes.

The impact of service provider selection on business benefits

Choosing the right service provider can achieve greater business benefits and a better return on investment.

Quality of implementation

When expert training and support are offered during the platform's implementation, the rollout is faster and smoother, and the platform is more widely adopted within the organization. A higher adoption rate brings greater benefits and a better return on investment.

Implementation is cost-effective when the process is designed to be time-efficient and supported by platform experts. A well-executed process for integrations or other technical tasks during implementation also saves the customer's time and resources.

Service package in addition to a learning environment

In software services, quality support saves time and enhances service quality during issues. Ongoing support can be a big help in day-to-day operations, especially when considering how to implement things or when the primary user changes. Therefore, it's also worth paying attention to the type of support included in the service price after implementation.

A personal contact person improves service quality when the customer has a familiar contact who understands their specific needs and can tailor guidance and support accordingly. Quality support reduces daily stress when issues are resolved quickly.

See what kind of service package Vuolearning offers in here.

Ease of use

A pedagogically well-designed platform guides the user's actions in the interface. When the platform is based on a clear logic and is inherently pedagogical and intuitive, creating online courses, for example, becomes easy.

Ease of use increases the adoption rate of the learning platform, allows for more versatile usage, and encourages broader participation in using the platform. This expands training and learning opportunities and prevents the use of the learning platform from being solely an HR task.

Continuously evolving partnership

E-learning is a rapidly developing and innovative industry. A service provider that actively develops its product helps to keep the service package up-to-date and evolving, so the service does not need to be replaced but improves over time. Therefore, it’s also important to pay attention to the service provider's product development processes and resources.

Growing business often indicates a developing business with good future prospects. A professional and experienced service provider can deliver a high-quality service package and continue to develop its operations to meet future needs.

Vuolearning e-learning platform for easy to use online training

Share information
Create tests
Real-time reporting