Utilizing Learning Analytics on the Vuolearning Online Learning Platform

Learning analytics is a crucial tool in modern teaching and learning. It provides information on learners' progress and performance, which helps teachers and trainers plan and develop instruction. The Vuolearning platform offers a variety of analytics tools that support this process. In this blog post, we will examine how these tools can be utilized, especially by trainers, supervisors, and HR departments.

Screenshot from the Analytics tab on the Vuolearning platform.

Who Benefits from Learning Analytics

Trainers and Content Producers

Trainers and content producers can utilize learning analytics when planning and developing online courses. The analytics tools on the Vuolearning platform help them understand how learners progress through courses and where they encounter challenges. With this information, the content of online courses can be adjusted to better meet the learners' needs.

Supervisors and Team Leaders

Supervisors and team leaders can use learning analytics to monitor their teams' progress. They can see, for example, how many team members have completed a particular course or learning path. Analytics also provide insights into which areas require additional training or support, helping ensure that the team members achieve their goals.


HR departments can utilize Vuolearning's learning analytics on an organizational level. Analytics provide comprehensive information on the training needs and performances across the organization, aiding in planning the future trainings and ensuring they meet the organizational needs.


The learners themselves can also utilize the analytics to monitor their own progress for example in a course or in a learning path.

Learning Analytics on the Vuolearning Platform

The Vuolearning online learning platform provides access to learning analytics from various places:

  1. Courses
  2. Learning Paths
  3. Users
  4. Analytics

Next, we will go through the information found in each of these sections and how they can be utilized.


On the Courses tab, you can access the following information for a selected course under Tasks and analytics:

  • Users: See which users are enrolled in the course, how many have engaged with the course content, and who has completed the course.
  • Tasks: Review how the users have answered to the tasks in the course. This helps you to identify areas that are difficult for the users or tasks that are too challenging.
  • Discussions: Follow what users have commented in the course discussions.
  • Feedback: See user feedback on course content, such as factual errors or typos.
  • Visitor count: Check visitor counts for the course over a selected period.
  • Completions: View all course completions over a selected period.
  • Chapters: See the content of each chapter as a heatmap. This map indicates where most time is spent.
  • Videos: Examine where users typically stop watching videos.
  • Search: See what search terms users have used to find information in the course.
  • Activity log: Track what has happened in the course and when.

For a more detailed review, you can download an Excel file from the Tasks and analytics section of a selected course, providing a summary of what the users have answered to the tasks in that course and how many questions they have answered.

Learning Paths

On the Learning Paths tab, you can monitor user progress for each learning path in the Follow section. By selecting a user, you can see their progress of the steps in that learning path: whether the steps are mandatory or optional, if a target schedule is set, and whether the user has started or completed the steps. Analytics can also be viewed for those users who have completed the path, or for those who have not completed the path, or for all users. This information is useful for example for supervisors who are tracking their team’s onboarding path.


On the Users tab, you can view all users participating in your courses. You can filter users based on various criteria, such as learning path or course, and view their information. Users can also be filtered using other criteria like attributes. From the Completion menu, you can choose to see, for example, only those users who have completed a specific learning path or course. This is useful for supervisors who want to monitor their team's progress.

On the Users tab, you can also download an Excel file. You can filter the users you want and then choose the information to include in the Excel file, such as completion history.


On the Analytics tab, you can view the platform usage statistics, such as the number of users, user accounts, and admins. You can also see the number of courses, learning paths, and groups, as well as a summary of the organization’s competencies and ambitions. You can also view the most popular courses and the number of course completions. This section is useful for tracking the overall platform usage.

Screenshot from the Users tab, where the users have been filtered by first choosing a course and then by choosing those users that have not yet started the course.

The Benefits of Learning Analytics in Learning Monitoring

Utilizing learning analytics offers many advantages. It enables real-time monitoring of the learners' progress and performance, which makes the identification of the problem areas and reacting to the problems easier. This allows for continuous improvement of instruction to better meet the learners' needs and make learning more meaningful.

The Vuolearning online learning platform's learning analytics provides valuable tools for planning and developing instruction, helping to make teaching more effective and learning more meaningful.

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