Vahanen Group provides a wide range of property management and construction services. The Group's services cover property and urban development, architecture, design, construction and supervision, surveys and inspections, the energy and property life cycle, and the environment. Last summer, the company began further development of its onboarding processes, having adopted the Vuolearning learning platform in January 2020.

“We are focusing on internal information sharing, and onboarding and competence development as smooth everyday processes,” says Kira Sipilä, HR Specialist with Vahanen Group.
The Group's practices have traditionally included 3–4 joint onboarding days per year. Onboarding days are important for the sharing of internal information and building the corporate culture of Vahanen Group. However, it was also recognized that everyone should be familiar with certain issues from day one. Onboarding days are now leaner, with much of the content having been moved to the Vuolearning platform.
“Vuolearning has worked very well for us and course creation is easy. We’ve been able to use existing material from onboarding days and apply it to distance learning,” Sipilä continues.
Vuolearning is intuitive and easy to use
Vahanen Group includes 10 companies in around a dozen locations around Finland, so it needs diverse internal processes that support everyday work.
“We explored different types of platforms, but Vuolearning was the clear number one. This learning platform is just what we needed: it is easy to use and intuitive for course creators and participants. Vuolearning courses are ideal for remote work and have been extremely useful in the current situation,” Sipilä comments.
Vahanen has 10 courses on the Vuolearning platform, with themes such as onboarding, teleworking, and Code of Conduct. More courses are currently underway. Instructions and links have been directly added to the learning platform.
Users have given a lot of positive feedback about the learning platform’s ease of use and how well it works. Vuolearning was also praised for its customer service.
“We have been delighted with the Vuolearning learning platform and will further expand its use,” Sipilä summarizes.